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Moringa Dietary Supplement - Why is Moringa a dietary supplement suitable for everyone?
October 12, 2023
Moringa Oleifera is rich in properties that have been known for centuries and are increasingly valued today.
Recommended by the FAO for its exceptional nutritional properties, moringa extract is a dietary supplement suitable for practically everyone. Here's why.
Moringa: originally from India, carefully grown in Europe
Moringa is a plant that originally comes from India and is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions. Today it is also grown in Europe under specific climatic conditions.
The different parts of the plant are suitable for making excellent nutritional supplements for adults and children due to their high content of antioxidants, phenolic compounds, vitamins and minerals.
Let's discover the main properties and how to take the Moringa Oleifera supplement.
Moringa supplement, the properties of a now famous plant
Many scientific studies have shown how derivatives from the leaves and other parts of Moringa Oleifera (bark, gum, seeds, pods, flowers and seed oil) possess numerous nutritional and pharmacological properties.
Regarding the nutritional aspects, a 2016 study highlighted that moringa contains seven times more vitamin C than oranges, ten times more vitamin A than carrots, 17 times more calcium than milk, nine times more protein than yogurt, 15 times more potassium than bananas and provides 25 times more iron than spinach (1).
For this reason, and because of its hardiness and easy growing conditions, Moringa is considered a sustainable solution to malnutrition.
In addition, numerous pharmaceutical properties have been attributed to Moringa Oleifera derivatives, including whole leaves, powders, and dietary supplements. In particular, Moringa is able to act as:
Anti-inflammatory : Thanks to the content of flavonoids, including quercetin and phenolic acids, a 2012 study showed that the bioactive compounds from moringa pods produce an anti-inflammatory effect that reduces the pathogenesis of chronic diseases linked to inflammation. can improve;
Antioxidant : This is due to the high content of polyphenols, especially quercetin and kaempferol;
Pain relieving : The alcoholic fraction extracted from the juice of Moringa leaves is an excellent remedy for migraines;
Antispasmodic : The methanolic extract of Moringa contributes to the prevention of gastric injuries (as well as the treatment of chronic injuries) and helps to relieve intestinal motility disorders;
Antitumor and chemopreventive : Some studies have shown that moringa can be used as an antineoplastic agent to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
This property is probably due to the glucosinolates contained in moringa and their ability to induce reactive oxygen species in the cancer cells;
Cardiac protective and antihypertensive : The alkaloids in the bark of the moringa tree stimulate cardiac activity by acting on the sympathetic nervous system, while the leaf extract has a lipid-lowering effect. In addition, the polyunsaturated fatty acids in Moringa (linoleic acid, linolenic acid and oleic acid) can control cholesterol levels;
Immunomodulatory activity : This is attributed in particular to the methanolic extract, which is said to be able to stimulate the cellular immune system and humoral immunity;
Antiasthmatic , due to an alkaloid that shares similarities with ephedrine;
Antimicrobial and antihelminthic : Moringa extracts inhibit the proliferation of a wide range of microorganisms, particularly microbes, bacteria and pathogens;
Liver protection : The protection of liver functions is mainly due to aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and serum bilirubin levels. This characteristic particularly characterizes the flowers and roots;
Diuretic : Various derivatives of Moringa have a diuretic effect by limiting urine excretion and the levels of oxalate, calcium and phosphate retention in the kidneys;
Antidiabetic : Several studies confirm the effectiveness of moringa in the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This is due to antioxidants breaking down the reactive oxygen species (ROS) in beta cells caused by streptozotocin.
In general, Moringa is also considered to have antihyperglycemic properties, which are probably due to the terpenoids present in the plant.
Bone regenerating : Quercetin, one of the flavonoids contained in Moringa, can stimulate bone formation by suppressing the formation of osteoclasts (the cells responsible for bone breakdown).
Some studies in postmenopausal women aged 60 to 70 suggest that moringa may be an effective support for bone reminalization due to its content of beta-carotene, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and potassium (2).
Moringa Supplements - Benefits for the Whole Family
Moringa-based dietary supplements are suitable for both adults and children due to their high content of vitamins, minerals, essential amino acids, antioxidants and phenolic compounds.
The leaves in particular are rich in vitamins (A, B and C), minerals and proteins, which is why the FAO recommends their consumption for pregnant or breastfeeding women and small children.
In fact, all parts of the plant are edible and rich in beneficial properties that make Moringa a natural tonic for the body (3).
For men in particular, moringa extracts may help improve prostate health due to its high content of glucosinolates, as shown in some rodent studies.
Moringa supplement: polyphenols for erectile dysfunction
I polyfenoli present in the moringa possono effettivamente contribute to a better disfunzione erettile, poiché favoriscono una migliore circolazione sanguigna.
Gli antiossidanti, d'altro canto, potrebbero contribute a migliorare la fertility contrastando and theni causati dall'ossidazione. Alcuni studi condotti su roditori hanno evidenziato un aumento della motility e del numero degli spermatozoi.
Infine, secondo a recent pilot studio, a bevanda proteica a base di moringa è in gradualo di aumentare the production of testosterone in soggetti maschili with iperlipoproteinemia (4).
Moringa: The supplement that relieves premenstrual symptoms
The donne possono torre notesevoli benefici dalla moringa. Grazie all'alto content di vitamina E, the moringa può essere an efficace rimedio contro i sintomi della sindrome premestruale, in particolare gonfiore e capogiri (5).
Inoltre, we can help stabilize the mood, facilitating the serotonin flow, which contributes to reducing stress and improving cognitive capacity.
Come accennato, the estratti di Moringa Oleifera sono particolarmente consigliati per the donne in phase di allattamento, poiché possono favorire an aumento nella production di latte materno e arricchirlo with numerosi nutrienti (6).
Adolescents and children: Moringa for the immune system
The moringa offers numerous numbers for both children and adolescents. This is a multivitamin, which promotes the immunitary system, protects the metabolism and provides an energizing effect.
The anti-infective and anti-inflammatory properties help protect against infection, prevent infections and improve the health of the skin and hair.
The moringa is also effective as antianemico. A study from 2019 has evidence that in the presence of the form of anemia, a quantity of powder from Moringa Oleifera can be eliminated in cases of anemia of 50% (7).
Moringa Dietary Supplements - In Capsules or Powder?
Moringa can be taken in different ways; It is available on the market mainly in the form of dietary supplements, often in combination with other ingredients.
In this case we are talking about Moringa in capsules, which are best suited to be taken regularly and in doses depending on the concentration of the different components.
To prepare hot or cold drinks, on the other hand, you can opt for Moringa powder, which is used to make tea and infusions, enriched with spices, flavors, fruits and herbs.